Frequently Asked Questions

1. Assessing Your Environment
Cloud security assessments assess the overall security posture of an environment to ensure sensitive data does not fall prey to attackers. They offer invaluable services for businesses considering moving their operations onto the cloud as it helps identify any vulnerabilities within current configurations and provides recommendations on how best to remedy any vulnerabilities identified during assessment.
As part of a cloud security assessment, the first step involves gathering pertinent information about your environment - such as existing configuration and any third-party solutions - including identity and access management, network security, data storage needs, and workloads. You should also gather details about backup/recovery processes, business continuity plans, and disaster recovery plans.

Information gleaned from these assessments can then be used to analyze existing cloud infrastructures and identify any risks, such as reviewing firewall policies and network segmentation to prevent attacks against cloud assets and reviewing Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) deployment models to determine their suitability for specific applications.
Cloud systems often rely on other providers for comprehensive services, presenting challenges in managing and assessing security environments. A cloud security assessment can alleviate such difficulties by evaluating each service individually rather than as part of an integrated system, providing greater confidence that each component is secure and configured correctly.
A follow-up retest should be conducted once the initial assessment is complete to ensure all issues have been addressed. This step may be especially crucial for organizations using an IaaS model, which requires a closer evaluation of components and controls. Furthermore, the assessment may offer suggestions to enhance configuration for future versions, thus decreasing risks.
Another advantage of this process is reducing the number of security assessments and attestation engagements necessary for each component in a cloud system, helping both costs and efficiency by enabling each service to leverage previous assessments' results.

 Last updated 07/24/2023 1:59 am

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